
Do You Know Why Gold Rate Is Getting Higher In 2024?

Below are the various factors that can contribute to higher gold rates in 2024: Economic Uncertainty Gold is often seen as a safe asset during times of economic uncertainty or instability. If there are concerns about economic growth, inflation, or geopolitical tensions, investors may flock to gold, driving up its price. Inflation Gold is often used as a hedge against inflation. If inflation rates are increased or expected to be increase, investors might turn to gold to safeguard the value of their own wealth, increasing demands and the prices. Environmental Concerns Regulations and environmental concerns in the mining sector may also have an effect on supply levels and production costs, which in turn may impact gold prices. Supply and Demand Supply constraints, such as disruptions in gold mining operations or a lack of fresh discoveries, might help to drive up gold prices. Furthermore, rising demand for gold, particularly from emerging nations with burgeoning middle-class populations,

There is a child inside each one of us, whatsoever the age

There is a Child inside All of Us! No matter what the number is...🙋🙌 Many of us have lost connection with the playful part of ourselves, Remember the days where we were enjoying each and every moment, not worrying about anything, I mean sweet innocent kid, loving oneself and others, riding a bicycle, drawing, playing game in a park, playing outdoor games with your apartment or area friends - Oh, the list is endless. Even now, sometime you may think its better to go back to your childhood days, Have you ?  We all have an inner child that wants to be silly, discover that you are still that hopefully wide eyed kid at heart😁 Let's keep aside our stressful adult life for a while,  Come on... Ask yourself, when was the last time you jumped on the bed, doing some fun things, dancing all alone in your room, laughing for no reasons👻 In some small way, doing some funny activities can help break you out of your usual routine (its's nothing wrong)  - It Just keeps you stress free. Hope

"Soul Detox" You Need During This Pandemic

Feeling anxious? Stressed or Worried about what to do?  Since we are still in locked down due to pandemic situation. People are very much disturbed. Just Relax, Stop Overthinking everything! 1. Take a deep breathe The simplest way to calm your mind is learn to be in a present moment. Sit in a quiet place, Close your eyes, Inhale - Allow thoughts to come in and Exhale - Let them go. Did You feel the magic? 2. Practice Yoga  Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body. It doesn't change the way we see things, It transforms the person who sees. 3. Get rid of Bad Past Experiences Remember, One of the key to happiness is forgetting a bad memory. Look, everything that has a beginning has an end, So forget the past, Plan for the future and Enjoy every moment in your life. 4. Remove Negative People from your Life Identify the toxic people & maintain distance. Stop allowing them to be a part in your life. It may sound dramatic, but you cannot ha

Ways to improve your life in this Covid -19 Pandemic Situation

In today's scenario, covid -19 has affected the lives of all the people in the world in all aspects. Also people were asked to self-quarantine in their houses to prevent the spread of corono virus.  Since we're are in lockdown situation, Although lockdown is a right solution, it also made an impact to all different age groups on all aspects. There is very big change in all our lifestyle were online classes, sitting in infront of television, Series, Increase in usage of mobile phones/laptop, Adding extra foods to our stomach, Anxiety & Stress since we are in home all the time, Effect in daily fitness routine, distractions in both physical and mental health.  1. Wake Up Early & Stretch 2. Meditate 3. Do Breathing Exercises 4. Go for a Walk (It's better to walk on Terrace) - If you feel convenient walking outdoor (Please wear a mask whenever you step out) 5. Don't skip your foods 6. Eat Clean & Healthy 7. Give up alcohol & smoking 8. Pay attention to what&#

Masoor Dal (Red Lentils): Uses & Benefits, Face Pack for a Glowing Skin

Masoor Dal also known as red lentils, One of the major role in indian cuisine that is power-packed with plethora of nutrients and unfathomable benefits.  A bowl of masoor dal gives you a required nutrients for the daily need. Using masoor dal you can make number of delicious dishes like masoor dal curry, masoor dal kichdi, dal sambar, dal rice, dal dosa and so on.. Health Benefits Of Masoor Dal Rich in Protein Keeps your Heart healthy Aids Weight loss Lowers Cholesterol Good for Diabetics Strengthen Bones Good For Your Skin as it has an Anti-Ageing properties Helps to Remove Unwanted Facial hair I just want to share you the usage/benefits of Masoor dal face pack, add this to your beauty routine:  Masoor Dal Facepack does wonders to your skin. Ingredients: 1 cup of masoor dal 5 Badam Turmeric 2-3 table spoon (Kasturi Manjal/Wild turmeric) How to make: Grind these ingredients into a fine powder, better store it a small jar/container for regular usage. Take 1-2 spoonful of this powder in

Tips to Improve Your Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness? Off course, Yes, I hope this topic may help you in this time. Financial wellness is an important wellbeing in our daily life, it refers to the person's overall financial health and to get rid off money related stress.  It's always a very good choice to maintain our finances balanced and plan accordingly. Now, we ourselves are in tough pandemic situations. For some they get low income, Mostly, half of our money goes for medical expenses and very few don't even have much income.  I really care for you. Remember, Controlling your finance is a great stress reliever. "Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship"                                                 - Benjamin Franklin  I just want to share you few tips to improve financial wellness. 1. Dont't Take Your Income For Granted🙅 2. Set Financial Goals🎯 3. Create a Monthly Budget📅 4. Build an Emergency Fund💸 5. Live Within Your Means✌ 6. Try to Live a Debt Free Life💳 7

Start Your Day Here: Detoxify Toxins From Your Body

Detoxification? Yes - It's an essential part for a good health. Detoxification is a removal of toxic substances in your body, that cleanses and nurture your body inside-out.  It addresses every cell in your body. Below are the superfoods, that helps to remove toxic substances from your body & to maintain a healthy being. Note : Avoid consumption of alcohol/drugs. LEMON🍋 We all know lemon contains numerous health benefits. Lemon is a type of citrus fruit, power packed with Vitamin C, Immunity booster & Powerful anti-oxidants, it has an alkaline effect once digested and helps to regulate the pH balance in your body. Thus, Lemons are used in many detox food/drinks ingredients.  Having lemon juice mixed with a cup of warm water at early morning in an empty stomach helps to flesh out toxins from your body.  Having a lemon juice🍹 daily is good for your health. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade😜 BEETROOT🍷 Aww, Beetroot is a root vegetable has a wide range of essential nu