

We can’t put all our thoughts in our head at once! So, do you think it’s better to write down what you have to do? Off course, Yes!✍😍 "The Discipline Of Writing Things Down Is The First Step Towards Making It Happen"                                                                                                                                                    -- Lee Lacocca Writing things down is a key to productivity and helps you to think more clearly and focus on your mind. It also helps you free up your mind and better organize your thoughts. So, its a powerful habit that everyone should follow -- Let us give a try!!!✍🙌 "We Write To Taste Life Twice, In The Moment And In Retrospect"                                                                                           -- Anais Nin Remember, There is a reason many successful people write down things with pen and paper. When your mind moves as fast as the computer keys, you tend to o

Why and How a Women need to be Financially Independent

Hello Beautiful Ladies, We all Know March 8th is an International Women's Day. In honor of International Women's Day, I have something to share with you all, that - Why and How a Women need to be Financially Independent? WHY ? When a Women is Financially Independent, She has the ability to live life on her own terms, No matter where you go in life, Whomsoever you get married to, You have to be Financially Independent because you don't know which shapes of life will throw at you. Hence, You need to have the ability to take care of yourself and people whom you love. This helps to protect yourself and to stand on your own  feet and say to yourself that alright I can do this, I am worth it. "A Women's best protection is a little money of her own"                                        -- Clare Boothe Luce In my Views, Being Independent is a paramount and financially independent women are capable of taking their own decisions. This increa


Love Yourself As Much As You Want To Be Loved😍 You should always love yourself in a appreciate way. Always be proud of Yourself. No one can be YOU😎 Love Yourself, Heal Your Life You should spend some quality of time with yourself 👸 Find what you like and dislike about yourself and take it from there. Figure out how you deal with being alone, Find out what makes you feel empty and what makes you feel happy. Find out what makes you Excitement and what makes you dizzy. Find all those things about yourself👍 I know, it can be difficult for some people to get on board with these, but remember, when you spend at least an hour for yourself productively, you will be use to it... it will entirely change your way of being🙌 Remember, Nobody can make you happy, until you're happy with yourself first☝ ⏩Don't let anyone ever, dull your sparkle⏪ Loving Yourself Is Not a Selfish Act, it makes you indestructible💪 Here are some Life Changing Benefits When You S


We all Know that maintaining a healthy hair is really tough in this polluted busy world - Is it? And its getting spoiled and less cared as we don't even have an extra time for taking care of our hair. Now let's stop 🙅 worrying... Blah.., Blah.., Blah.. Let me give a tip, Hope you must have heard about Rice water for hair, Even shampoo's that contain Rice water is trending in market nowadays. The most used ingredient in k-Beauty secret. Rice water is an ancient remedy to grow beautiful hair that contains minerals, proteins and vitamins that make your hair strong, smooth and shiny 😍 -- This is what we want right? HOW TO APPLY RICE WATER FOR HAIR PLAIN RICE WATER Apply rice water after shampoo & conditioning, you can leave it for 2-3 mins and then wash it off. You can also apply/massage gently into the scalp for about 5-10 mins with rice water before your hair wash and then rinse it off with shampoo and conditioning. You can also store the ri


According to Asian Culture, Rice water is one of the natural and traditional beauty treatment in centuries. It acts as a natural cleansing for washing your face, face mask and works as a toner. Rice water is ranked one of the best K-Beauty (Korean Beauty) secret 😍 as it contains vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant properties. That makes our skin healthy and improve the skin texture. Consistent Rice water cleansing has also proven to soothe breakouts and deals with multiple skin problems.😮 Rice water is a natural anti-aging product. It is an acne-healer, best for acne-prone skin. Rice water is also known to have a high moisture content, it brightens and gives even toned skin.  👉Tip: Apply rice water using cotton ball on acne area, soon will notice a change. This is the reason Rice water is used in all Korean Products. HOW TO USE RICE WATER CLEANSER When you wash your rice, discard the water from first batch. so, that dirt and impurities will be washed out.


Do you ever feel like life is passing you by & there is no change? Come on... Don't sit idle... Get Up!!! Be the change that you wish to see I will be sharing you the self-improvement plan to get implemented in all your lives. So, Lets jump right into them and get started! 1. Read More "Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader" The more you read, the more you know. Reading helps you in self-improvement and personal growth. You can try reading self help books, motivational books.. You can also listen to audio books. It keeps you motivated. Recent times, I got inspired by few books and Those really changed my life. 2. Wake Up Early "Wake Up Determined, Go To Bed Satisfied" Waking up early can be a difficult task and hardest habit to cultivate but when you become an early riser can significantly boost your personal productivity and you feel more energetic. Wake up early everyday so that while others are still dreaming, You can make your dreams


Hi, You must have heard about Red rice, Well this Red rice has a plethora of health benefits🙀 Let us dig into it. WHAT IS RED RICE? 🤔 DO YOU KNOW WHY THE RICE LOOKS RED IN COLOR? 🤔 Let me give you the answer: The main reason why the red rice is red due to the presence of flavonoid called anthocyanin, a class of compounds with antioxidant effects and fighting free-radicals. Anthocyanin may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-cancer benefits. In Herbal Medicines, it is proved that anthocyanin substances have long been used to treat number of diseases. This anthocyanin is found naturally in a number of foods, anthocyanins are the pigments that gives red, purple, and blue. Foods that contain anthocyanin: Berries like raspberry, black currant, Tomato, Red Onions, Kidney Beans, Red Rice , Grapes(Including wine), Pomegranates. Red Rice is the most referred rice in the ancient ayurvedic, loaded with the goodness of nature. Red Rice has a unique color due to