"Soul Detox" You Need During This Pandemic

Feeling anxious? Stressed or Worried about what to do? 

Since we are still in locked down due to pandemic situation. People are very much disturbed.

Just Relax, Stop Overthinking everything!

1. Take a deep breathe

The simplest way to calm your mind is learn to be in a present moment. Sit in a quiet place, Close your eyes, Inhale - Allow thoughts to come in and Exhale - Let them go. Did You feel the magic?

2. Practice Yoga 

Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body. It doesn't change the way we see things, It transforms the person who sees.

3. Get rid of Bad Past Experiences

Remember, One of the key to happiness is forgetting a bad memory. Look, everything that has a beginning has an end, So forget the past, Plan for the future and Enjoy every moment in your life.

4. Remove Negative People from your Life

Identify the toxic people & maintain distance. Stop allowing them to be a part in your life. It may sound dramatic, but you cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. 

Don't waste your valuable time with people who puts you down, who make you feel worse, who spreads only negativity, who doesn't help you to grow.

So, you need to associate with people who loves you, care for you, inspire you, people who challenge you to rise higher, people who make you feel better, who stand with you at both happy and hard times. "Your desting is too important".

5. Read books

Do You Know? Reading books can help your brain function better when you get older.


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